Red Screes via Kilnshaw Chimney

Red Screes, Kirkstone Pass Wainwright fell

On 12th May 2016, an adventurous scramble up Red Screes via Kilnshaw Chimney was undertaken, diverging from the usual pathway from Kirkstone Pass. This challenging route, featuring steep and loose scree, and a tricky rock face, offered a more secluded ascent. Despite the Kirkstone Pass Inn being closed, the journey was rewarded with picturesque views at the summit, where other tarns and pools complement the landscape. The descent required careful navigation, culminating back at a well-equipped but free car park.

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The Wainwrights in Colour Film

The Wainwrights in Colour on YouTube

For the first time ever, The Wainwrights in Colour Film is now on YouTube- in full. I still love chatting to people about The Wainwrights in Colour. I can’t deny it. After all, it was a huge part of my life for over ten years. It still plays a big…

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Hull How from Low Tilberthwaite

Even though I have visited the Low Fell area above Little Langdale previously as part of my reference gathering for The Wainwrights in Colour this visit was more to explore the fell on Wainwright’s original lists- Hull How as part of my new project, The Lakeland 365. The fell is…

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