The Fairy Pools- Isle of Skye

Fairy Pools, Allt coir a Tairneilear, Isle of Skye

On a serene April evening, we revisited the Fairy Pools in Glen Brittle, Isle of Skye, after over two decades. The area, offering pay and display parking and café facilities nearby, has grown popular, attracting many visitors. Our journey featured a simple round-trip hike along well-maintained paths, capturing the enchanting scenery and waterfalls. The tranquility of fewer tourists and the absence of midges enhanced our experience, allowing us to photograph the stunning landscapes, including the famous pools against a backdrop of fading evening light.

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2024 Show Season Cancelled

cancelled shows Andy beck

Andy and Esther have decided to significantly reduce their participation in the 2024 show season, attending only about 5 out of the originally planned 40 days. This decision, prompted by commercial reasons and not enough new artwork from Andy, aims to refocus on producing quality paintings and expanding brand awareness through other projects, like new content for Andy’s YouTube channel and books. They plan a strong return in 2025 with new artwork and request support from their followers to maintain brand visibility online during this period.

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New work now available

Lakeland Fell sketches. Original fell sketches by Andy Beck

Andy Beck has been creating new art, primarily featuring the Lakeland Fells, now up for sale as part of his Lakeland 365 project. Despite poor weather hindering fieldwork, production continues with updated website, new pen thumbnails, and upcoming book contributions. Affordable prints of the originals are available, framed personally by Andy. New sketches will be added continuously, available on a first-come basis, but specific requests can be made via email.

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Show time in full flow

Andy Beck Images trade stand for shows 2023

Andy Beck Show Time. The 2023 show season is now in full flow. We are now heading into the main show season for 2023. Our calendar is looking pretty full from now until the end of September. The outdoor events are generally focused on the 4 months of the summer…

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New Range of Lakeland Fell Mugs

New range of Lakeland Fells mugs from Andy Beck Images

A new range of 8 Lakeland Fell Mugs is now online. We have been really busy recently with the start of the summer season of shows. But at last I have been able to get all of the new range of Lakeland Fells mugs loaded on to the website as…

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The Wainwrights in Colour Film

The Wainwrights in Colour on YouTube

For the first time ever, The Wainwrights in Colour Film is now on YouTube- in full. I still love chatting to people about The Wainwrights in Colour. I can’t deny it. After all, it was a huge part of my life for over ten years. It still plays a big…

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Great Gable- 5″x7″ sketch

Great Gable pen and watercolour sketch by Andy Beck

Great Gable- 5″x7″ sketch Is there a more majestic Wainwright fell than the mighty Great Gable? I don’t think so. These were the thoughts going through my head in the past couple of days as I was working on a new small pen and watercolour sketch of said fell. Last…

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