We’re going back to the high street

Andy Beck Images pop up shop, Barnard Castle

Andy Beck Images is taking a shop on Barnard Castle High Street Yes, you read that right, we are going back into a shop on the high street of Barnard Castle, but only for a short term. It’s been almost 10 years since we gave up the gallery at the…

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Best of June 2020

Swaledale sheep pens

Six months of the year have now passed. Months that have changed many of our lives forever. Lets not be too despondent though, there seems to be light at the end of the Covid19 tunnel. It may be many months or perhaps even years before we return to anything like…

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Best of May 2020

Woodland walk

There are a couple of things that I will remember May 2020 for. Firstly, the ongoing situation with the Covid19 crisis. The situation eased a little bit with the lockdown restrictions being eased even further but I have been reluctant to venture far from home. It would have been easy…

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Where to buy my cards and prints locally.

Many thanks for the support for this new website which shows the photography side of my work. Whether you have subscribed to the site, ordered cards or prints or just sent messages of support, all of these gestures are appreciated. As some of you may realise, I am putting the…

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