On Location 15th January 2021.
Bright sunshine on snow covered fields makes an almost perfect combination for winter photographs. Even better if such subjects are right on your doorstep. So it was on this day with a lot of Snow around Bowes Village. A good fall of snow had fallen the day before and unusually for here in the dale there had been now wind to blow it into drifts. Deep snow formed even layers on wall tops and any ledges.

Farmland surrounds the village and this old roofless barn often gets my attention. Today the small flock of sheep were almost standing in its shadow. I loved the strong shape of the gable end but the snow on the stonework and the group of animals at its base made the picture for me. As good as it is in colour the black and white version wins it for me.

I quietly moved around to approach the flock. They were unperturbed by my presence and were happy to pose. The markings from the tups on their rumps added colour interest.
Within a few hundred metres is the village church and castle, I headed that way.

Only the tracks of a rabbit broke the fresh snow in the churchyard. The sun wasn’t strong enough to ease the snow off the trees.

It will be rare to get such perfect conditions like this. Christmas card and calendar material all around.

I have photographed Bowes Castle many times and in all seasons but today was special. The ledges of the broken walls filled with snow complementing the branches which frame the image.

Later on I saw the warm glow in the sky from my studio window. I grabbed my camera and made haste back up to the churchyard. The pastel colours of the low sun made a fine end to the day. A lone dog walker in the castle grounds completed the scene.
One day provides so much inspiration. I would like to think that in the near future I will paint some of these scenes but they will go into my ever expanding archive of potential subjects.
Thank you for reading.
I’m no expert but snow does give a positive dimension on photography or maybe it’s just my taste. Not sure if the black and white does it for me but a stunning image nevertheless.
Great photographs Mr Beck.
Thanks Graham, yes, I know what you mean about the snow.