The Lockdown continues. Following my recent blog post Covid-19 and me I thought that it would be informative to give a quick update. A few months ago it would have been hard to comprehend that we as a country (or world) would be where we are now. The Lockdown continues and it looks as if it will be extended for another couple of weeks.
The virus has affected many people. Several of you reading this will know of a friend or relative who has lost their lives to Covid-19. My sympathies go out to you all.
Many workers have been furloughed at home, some on full pay, others not so fortunate. Restrictions mean that nearly all of us are only venturing out from home on a very limited basis. For me, this means a local walk from home once a day. I am lucky to live where I do, high up in the North Pennines with countryside right on my doorstep.
With a bit of imagination I have been able to still produce daily images from my walks. These I post on my social media pages.

As for my business……well basically orders and income have dried up. I am unable to supply photographic prints as my supplier is closed for the duration. I continue to produce paintings and sketches. I have some new work which will be uploaded on to my Andy Beck Artist website shortly.
Orders are trickling in, one or two Wainwrights in Colour book sales. Thankfully the recently launched series of gift mugs have been well received. Today I am packaging up the few orders that have come in over the last few days ready for dispatch.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not bleating on about my position, just letting you know how things are. As a Sole Director of a Limited Company I have looked into all avenues for financial support. Particularly from the government during this period of crisis. There are no funds for people in my position. Things are tight, very tight. But I will soldier on, trying my best to come up with new ideas to keep my business going. Having financial pressures in the background is not conducive to producing quality paintings. Therefore I have to put the concerns to the back of my mind.
In the meantime, I am humbled and grateful to those who continue to support me and my business. The simple things, like ordering that copy of The Wainwrights in Colour that you have been meaning to buy before now. Even buying a simple mug may not seem like much to you but it makes a big difference to a small business like mine. Even a simple share of any of my social media posts is just one click of a button to you but it helps spread the word about my work to other potential customers.
I sincerely hope that all of you who so kindly take time to read this stay fit and healthy during this outbreak.
Thank you for reading. Best wishes.