The final touches
The countdown continues
The countdown continues. Well, not long now, exactly two weeks in fact, two weeks until the launch day for The Wainwrights in Colour Book. It has been mentioned recently that I must be feeling elated now with things finally coming together and actually this isn’t the case. The fact that…
Meet Colin
Meet Colin. “Who is Colin?” I hear you ask. Well I met Colin for the first time on Wednesday. He works down in Dorking in Surrey in a book binding factory and for the next week or two he has his work cut out. Colin’s task is to case each…
Short promo film for the book
Short promo film for the book. As you will perhaps know by now, every copy of The Wainwrights in Colour book comes with a DVD with a 15 minute film of how I have produced the work for the whole project, taking just one fell as an example. I was…