5 day countdown

By this time next week we will be packing away after the launch weekend at The Castle Green Hotel. Part of me would love to be able to see into the future to get an insight into how the event has gone but that’s just not possible, and maybe best not to know. What’s done is done, things are sort of out of my hands now anyway. A few more days of organising to do so the week should hopefully fly by.

In the meantime, here is the third sketch in this “countdown” series. Today a sketch from Book Three, The Central Fells, a region that covers the soggy terrain of Armboth Fell to the delights of true mountain scenery in the Langdale Pikes.

Helm Crag 5.jpg

Helm Crag summit

 I have chosen for today’s sketch the summit rocks of Helm Crag, not only because it is a great profile of rock but it is fairly central to this area. Famously it is the only summit of the 214 that Wainwright failed to achieve.

It has been brought to my attention that the comments system on the website has not been working (no wonder I was getting so many emails) hopefully this issue has now been resolved.


  1. Pingback:Countdown to the book launch | andybeckimages.co.uk

  2. where can I buy the book?

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