Artwork prints

Art prints by Andy Beck

A range of both Open and Limited Edition art prints by Andy Beck.

Prints are a more affordable way to purchase an image. Original paintings are sometimes not only outside some peoples budget but prints also make the image available if the original work has been sold.

Andy’s policy is to produce either Open* or Limited* edition prints of his work. A print run of an image should be one or the other, not both. Prints are produced using the high quality Giclee method. This is the standard method for printing fine art these days. It has superseded the lithographic method of the past.

*Open Edition. This is where the artwork is printed as required, to any number. There may be no limit to the print run. These prints can be signed or unsigned. They can also be printed in various sizes. Usually cheaper than limited editions.

*Limited Edition. A single print run of a limited amount. Each print is usually signed and numbered and can be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Higher value than an open edition.