Guess the Fell Quiz 2021

The results are in!

Guess the Fell Quiz 2021. Update 13th Jan 2022. The lucky dip draw has been made- congratulations to Valeria Ronco! All the prizes have now been shipped out and there are 9 sketches left. These are now up for sale and if you are interested in owning one of these original sketches then why not check out the link HERE. Thanks to everyone who took part.

Thank you to everyone who entered and well done to the winners.

  • The results are posted at the foot of this page. There were a total of 114 points available.
  • I have updated the questions to show the answers for each
  • I used the OS mapping system as well as the Database of British Hill Lists to determine distances, heights and grid references. I was fairly flexible in marking the answers where distances or elevations were required.
  • The judges (my) decision is final, I will not be getting into any deep debates over the answers.
  • This year the quiz covers not only the 214 fells featured in the Wainwright Lakeland Pictorial Guides but also may feature the fells listed in his Outlying Fells guide too. (This was a factor in some of the answers.)

Day One: An Easy one to get you into the swing of the quiz. (A) (2 points) The name of this col on which this shelter is located- Answer, Nan Bield Pass. (B) (2 points) The name of this Wainwright Fell- Answer, Yoke. (C) (3 points) By following recognised footpaths, which is the nearest Wainwright summit to this location from where the sketch is done- Answer, Harter Fell (which is 830m away, Mardale Ill Bell is 840m.)

Day Two: This is another relatively easy one. (A) (2 points) This shelter is close to the summit of which fell? Answer- Beda Fell (B) (2 points) Name this col- Answer, Boredale Hause. (C) (3 points) Name this Wainwright fell- Answer, Dollywaggon Pike.

Day Three: Perhaps not a simple as it looks. (A) (1 point) Name this shelter in a remote valley- Answer, Mosedale Cottage. (B) (2 points) If you walk to the top of the valley and turn south you will be walking into which valley? Answer, Longsleddale (C) (3 points) Name the nearest “Wainwright” fell to this shelter- Answer, Howes (Outlying Fell). (D) (2 points) By how many metres is that “Wainwright” summit higher than this shelter? Answer- 138m

Day Four: Stepping up the difficulty a bit here for this one. This Stone shelter is a “useful refuge”. The rock outcrop at the top right is sometimes mistaken for the “Wainwright” summit of this fell but that would be wrong. The question is: (A) (3 points) Name this fell- Answer, Blea Rigg (B) (2 points) give the grid reference of the Wainwright summit- Answer, NY30167 07834. (C) (2 points) From the Wainwright summit what is the nearest named tarn on the 1:25k OS map Answer, Easedale Tarn


Day Five: After a busy weekend with the Christmas Market at the Bowes Museum I am now back on track with the quiz. (Apologies again for the interuption). So here is the clue for day five. This one foxed a few folk. This cavern makes a great shelter and is ideal for an overnight bivvy with fabulous views from the entrance. (A) ( 2 points) It is on the flanks of which fell? Answer, Yoke (B) (3 points) Name this Fell. Answer- Kentmere Pike (C) (3 points) Give the name of the sheer rock feature where this shelter is located. Answer, Rainsborrow Crag


Day Six: A bit of an easy one today. (A) (2 points) The name of this bothy and the name of the “Wainwright” fell on which it is located. Answer, Dub’s Hut on Fleetwith Pike (I gave one point for each) (B) (3 points) The name of this “Wainwright” fell (summit not in view). Answer, High Stile (C) (3 points) Using the shortest route via the footpaths indicated on the 1:25k OS map, how far and how much ascent (in metres) is it to the summit cairn of this fell (A) from this location. Answer, 1.24km, 173m of ascent

Day Seven: This one isn’t strictly a “shelter” it is a sheepfold but in this area there isn’t really many other shelters available. Due to its design it could provide some respite from the wind no matter which direction it was coming from. (A) (2 points) It is a feature on which Wainwright Fell? Answer, Great Calva (B) (2 points) Name this fell. Answer, Bowscale Fell (C) (2 points) What is the name of this beck? Answer, Wiley Gill


Day Eight: This shelter is part of a well made cairn within which there is a seat room enough for one (or two small people) with a fine view over the valley. (A) (2 points) The “Wainwright” name of this fell. Answer, Cartmel Fell (or Raven’s Barrow) (B) (3 points) The name of this body of water. Answer, Morcambe Bay (C) (3 points) The local name of this cairn/ memorial. Answer, Ravensbarrow or Rainsbarrow Old Man


Day Nine: Admittedly not so easy this one. This is another sheepfold (apologies that I am stretching the “shelter” theme a bit ๐Ÿ™‚ ) but this fold which can provide shelter for humans and sheep alike is tucked away on the side of a fell. (However it does feature in the PG’s or in The Wainwrights in Colour page 265 ๐Ÿ™‚ )Many walkers will not even know of it’s existence. (A) (3 points) The name of the fold. Answer, Joe Bank’s Fold (B) (3 points) The name of the fell on which it is located. Answer, High Spy (C) (3 points) The name of this heather topped “Wainwright” Fell. Answer, Great Crag


Day Ten: It may be Christmas Day but you didn’t think that I was going to let you off from the quiz did you? ๐Ÿ™‚ But I will keep it fairly easy. (A) (2 points) The name of this Wainwright fell. Answer, Hampsfell (B) (3 points) There is an inscription above the door in a foreign language, what is approximate translation into English? Answer, Rosy-fingered Dawn (C) (3 points) There is a viewing device mounted on the roof, but what is the technical name for this instrument ( 7 letters). Answer, An Alidade.


Day Eleven: Being kind to you again today, a relatively easy one. (See The Wainwrights in Colour page 232) (A) (2 points) The name of this Wainwright fell. Answer, Meal Fell (B) (3 points) The name of this Wainwright Fell. Answer, Bakestall (C) (3 points) This shelter is on the “Wainwright” summit of this fell but the true summit which is some distance away is higher by how many metres? Answer, 2m


Day Twelve: Many walkers will pass by this cross shelter throughout the year but I am certain that many folk dont even see or use it as they have their eyes on a higher target. (This one was often mistaken for the nearby shelter at Esk Hause in the answers) (A) (3 points) This shelter is on the slopes of which “Wainwright” fell? Answer, Great End (B) (3 points) Give the name of this geographical feature where the shelter is located. Answer, Calf Cove (C) (2 points) The name of this “Wainwright” fell. Answer Bow Fell


Day Thirteen (the penultimate day): Yes, after this one there is only one more clue to come in the 2021 Guess the Fell Quiz. Details of how to submit your entries will be given tomorrow when the final clue is posted. Back to today. (A) (3 points) This summit shelter is on which Wainwright fell? Answer, Blake Fell (B) (3 points) The name of this body of water. Answer, Ennerdale Water (C) (3 points) According to Wainwright, the neighbouring fells from this summit shelter are of equal distance away. In fact one is nearer than the other. If using the regular well used footpaths how far is it to the nearest Wainwright Fell (in km/metres) and what is the name of that fell? Answer, Burnbank Fell at 1.29km (Gavel Fell is just a little bit further at 1.64km) ( I gave points for each correct part).


Day Fourteen- The Final Day: This shelter has a fine view over the adjoining fells and beyond but is situated away from the fell summit. (A) ( 3 points) Give the name of this fell Answer, Scafell Pike. (B) ( 3 points) Give the name of this Wainwright fell Answer, Esk Pike. (C) (3 points) This individual rise on a ridge has a name of relevance, what is it’s name. Answer, Shelter Crags (D) (4 points) From this shelter in the sketch how far (in metres) is it to the highest point of the fell that we are standing on? Answer, 60m


The Results.

I have only listed those who scored 50 or over. If you do not appear on the list and want to know your score then just drop me an email.

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Well done to everyone who took part. I hope that you have enjoyed the quiz. Fingers crossed there will be another one later on in the year. Guess the Fell Quiz 2021



  1. Haven’t been to the Lake District for a number of years , but l look forward to the quiz Andy .

  2. pride of place on my wall from last years quiz Birkhouse moor picked out of the hat.

  3. As the answers to the above sketch escaped me to begin with, I went to bed only to get a brainwave 10 minutes later which compelled me to turn on the phone again and check if I was right. Don’t say that I don’t take your quiz seriously… ๐Ÿ˜€
    Thanks for putting it together again, it’ll be fun.

  4. Am finding it tough Andy as am not that familiar with a lot of the shelters, but will keep at it. I have all the answers – not necessarily the right ones!

    • Thanks for the comment Kevin. Even I found that the “shelters” theme has been a bit of a challenge but doing the sketches has been fun. Good luck with it.

  5. Thanks for putting the quiz together again Andy…I have been looking forward to it! I have to say that it’s stretching the old grey matter quite a bit more than last year…a good mix of not too difficult, to some that still have me scratching my head! It’s a great way to spend time at this time of year…puzzling over images of The Lakes whilst we can’t be there. Look forward to the remaining questions!

  6. Certainly not easy Andy, some are not perhaps the โ€œobviousโ€ answer and require a little research.
    Great quiz as usual

    • Thank you Tony. Yes some times the answers are not so obvious, pleased that you are enjoying it though ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. โ€œEnjoyingโ€ it so far. The questions only become easier when inspiration strikes late into the night. Having walked the fells for over 60 years without the modern gadgetry; working out relative heights and distance is a bit of a chore. My trusty companions are only a map, compass and relevant AW guide โ€“ and at my age Iโ€™m entitled to grumble a bit! There are some routes I have not yet walked and many that Iโ€™ve walked lots of times. Always interesting, always something new, and of course the quiz keeps the grey matter ticking over whilst the inclement weather keeps me off the fell.

    • Hi John, thanks for the comment. Yes, using the “old” methods may be a bit more of a challenge to get some of the answers but good to know that you are enjoying it. Good luck.

  8. Andy, some feedback, as requested. We love the quiz, it is challenging enough to occupy us for an hour a day at least.
    Thank you

    • Thank you Michael, always difficult to know where to pitch it on the challenging level, glad that you are enjoying it.

  9. I look forward to the Xmas Quiz every year and enjoy doing it. Some are pretty obvious but some are quite tricky when you show it from an unfarmilier angle requiring thinking outside the box so to speak. Thanks for doing it .

    • Hi Mike, thanks for the comment, hope that you are well. Glad that you are enjoying it. Can’t make it too easy with experts like you around lol Have a great Christmas.

  10. Really enjoying it Andy thanks for setting it up again. Have a great Christmas.

  11. Enjoying so far Andy, nice and different and tricky yet compelling and muti-levelled ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Hi Andy, Once again I am enjoying the quiz, it is keeping me occupied during this rather damp run up to Christmas, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours

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