Just a simple Thank You

BBC Countryfile Magazine Book of the Year Award

Just a simple Thank You. I have been asked recently if winning the BBC Countryfile Award comes with some financial reward or fame on TV, well sadly not, these awards are a huge honour but no chance of getting out onto the fells with Ellie Harrison just yet.   However,…

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Gummers How direct

Gummer’s How Direct. Gummer’s How is one of the fells featured in Wainwright’s Outlying Fells of Lakeland book and therefore it features in my The Lakeland 365 project and I describe the fell here. I have visited it on a couple of occasions and have never been disappointed, fine views…

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Second Award for The Wainwrights in Colour Book

Award for The Wainwrights in Colour. Proud and honoured to have been awarded the BBC Countryfile Magazine Book of the Year. To find out more information and to take up a Special Offer on book orders then click here.   Thank you to everyone who took time to vote. And…

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