Loweswater Fells. Things have been rather busy recently which has meant that new posts here have been infrequent for which I apologise. Time has been spent giving talks and attending events as well as my normal day to day work here in the studio. I have also been working on some exciting ideas planned for the future, more news of which will be posted in the coming weeks.
However, I have been able to add a couple of new films on to my Youtube channel which have been well received. Putting the films together and editing them is something that I enjoy, in fact I have been making films as a hobby back as far as the mid 1970’s when I had a Super 8 camera. I only wish that I had kept some of those film reels now.
Anyway, my latest film is now online, featuring a good walk over the Loweswater Fells in the lake district.

If you have 20 minutes to spare then do take a look at the film here. If you enjoy the film don’t forget to hit the “like” button or even better, subscribe to my channel. You will notice that I have uploaded other films on there recently but I haven’t posted that fact here on the website. But subscribing you will receive alerts on new films.
Thanks for watching.