On Location 6th January 2021
Another fresh fall of snow at Bowes in Teesdale. As I live in the village I was able to take advantage of the conditions to capture the scenes. A day that began with a cold mist developed into a bright, sunny winter’s day. These are just some of the images which I recorded of Sheep and snow at Bowes

I had just intended to capture Dotheboys Hall which is at the west end of the village. All of a sudden the sheep appeared out of nowhere, they must have expected me to feed them but the farmer was to be with them soon.

A short while later the sun began to shine and the sheep were content at their feeding station. They seemed to be enjoying the warmth of the winter sun.

The castle made a great backdrop for the scene. The sunshine was now at full strength.

The afternoon sun really made the landscape come alive. The warmth of the sun on the castle walls contrasted with the strong blues of the January sky.

The sun was now casting long shadows in the grounds of the castle. This is a scene that I am recording regularly so it will be interesting to see the changes throughout the year.

It wasn’t a stunning sunset but the soft colours and the broken clouds enhanced the sky.

From a little bit further back I was able to stand in the churchyard to capture the scene. I know that headstones and graves don’t appeal to some in an image but I thing that they can add something to the story.
All in all it was a lovely winter’s day and I appreciate that not everyone has such good potential for photographs on thier doorstep. Hopefully you have enjoyed looking at my work.
Thanks for reading.
Wonderful photos Andy. Called in at Barnard Castle in Sept 2019, on the way home from a week staying at Haltwhistle. (No, I didn’t need my eyes testing!!!!).
We visited the Bowes Museum which was a lovely experience (I hadn’t heard of it previously) and we popped into a quirky bar (on the left as you went NE I think from the town centre. Before we left for home, I wanted to find the castle, which we did. Unfortunately the light was falling quickly so it wasn’t the photo opportunity I was hoping for. Your photos resonated with our memories of your home town. Cheers, Ed.