Wainwright summit*: GR: NY16740 14787 2644’* True height: GR: NY 17009 14817 2648′ 807m
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Topographical features: AW deliberates about the highest point of High Stile in the Pictorial Guide but in his mapping he indicates two cairns close together as being the Wainwright summit (one of the cairns has now gone). He remarks on a large cairn being at the OS station of 2644′ (*marked as 2643′ on all but the 2 1/2 map of the day) which was at GR: NY16960 14781. This he considered as being lower than the other cairns despite it being the trig point. However, resurveying has confirmed that the highest point lies further along that northeast ridge at a small cairn. This will be the true summit.
Points of interest:
Tarns: Bleaberry tarn lies in the corrie below Chapel Crags and is the only standing water in the area of this fell.
Waterfalls: None
Adjoining Fells: High Crag, Red Pike
Nearest facilities: Car parking
Star rating:
Check walks on this fell: