A Cracking day on Yoke

Date: 13th October 2015 Parking: Limited car parking available at Kentmere church (honesty box) GR 456042 Fells on this route: Yoke, Ill Bell, Froswick, Thornthwaite Crag. Route map: click on the arrow to play the route. GPX route available with other formats for free by clicking in the Plotaroute.com link at…
Framing- the complete package
An Alpine Adventure
Blencathra- the biggest in the bag.
Blencathra- the biggest in the bag. From early on things didn’t go according to plan. I struggled with one or two of the larger sketches, the painting just wasn’t going well and with watercolour the more you work at it the more laboured it looks. Several attempts were made but…